Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Nature's cure, acne medication

« ...But most of these products don't cure acne. They don't deal with the causes of acne. They merely attempt to deal with the symptoms of acne, unable to cope with the fresh bacterial infections lurking under the skin which will break out in new spots and pimples, undeterred by any cream. Even if a cream is helpful for one person it may not have the same effect on another person and could make the skin worse for that person....
...Many acne sufferers experience the same problems when dealing with their skin eruptions. Just when they think the problem is under control up pops another outbreak that destroys their clear complexion. This effect on the skin is mostly caused by expensive wonder cures that only deal with the results of the problem rather than the cause of the problem....»
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«...8. Maintain skin free from makeup as much as possible. Let your skin breathe and also avoid applying any oil or oil-rich solution to your hair. Use oil-free products once you've consulted your doctor....»
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tags: health experst top adult acne treatments, meaning dreaming about someone's hanving acne, sulfur acne wash

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