Thursday, October 2, 2008

Acne chemical peel review

« ...Antibiotics are responsible for controlling breakouts via curbing the production of P. acnes (Propionobacterium) in the body. This bacteria is known to be a major cause of acne production in the body and to reduce inflammation. The whole process may actually take many week or even months together. Hence, it is very important to exercise patience....
...Acne home remedy – Garlic is a valuable herb not only for treating acne scars but for number of skin diseases and allergies. It is considered a miracle herb in ayurveda and is used for removing acne scars more effectively than any other herb. Crush a garlic clove and apply on the affected area....»
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«...Most investigators and researchers agree that stress doesn't cause acne; however, most would agree that stress seems to worsen it. Just ask college students at exam time, teenagers about to go to the prom, or someone for that first job interview....»
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tags: acne glycolic acid, fast cures for acne, pregnancy and acne medications

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